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  labour force 劳动力

  land on its legs 用脚着地

  land on 降落

  Lantern Festival 元宵节(灯笼节)

  laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人

  laugh sb. off one's fears 使某人发笑来减轻恐惧

  lay the person on his/her back 把一个人仰卧/平放在某处

  lead a simple life 朴素地生活

  lead to 引起、导致、带来

  leave for sp. 到某地

  leave sb. alone 把……留下

  leave sb. doing 使某人一直处于某种动作状态

  leave sth. to chance ……靠运气、……听天由命

  leave sth. to sb./sth. 把……留给……

  leave the hotel by (the nearest exit) 从(最近的出口)离开宾馆

  let in 让……进来

  let sb. down 让……失望

  lie around 闲置、到处都是

  lie in ①位于(内部) ②在于、源于

  lie on ①与……接壤 ②(城市)位于(河、湖、海边)

  lie on one's back 仰卧着

  lie still 一直躺着

  lie to 与……接壤或接近

  light up 放光芒、放光彩

  like doing 喜爱做(指经常发生)

  like to do 愿意做(特指某一次)

  line up to 满足……的要求

  listen for 等着听(钟声、节目等)

  live a simple life 朴素地生活

  live in separate rooms 住在两个分离的房间里

  live on sth. 以……为生

  load with 承载、负担

  long before 很久以前(常用于一般过去时、过去完成时)

  look by 旁观

  look down upon 轻视、鄙视、看不起

  look ahead 向前看

  look for 寻找

  look forward(s) to doing/sth. 期待

  look into 往里看,调查研究

  look on sb./sth. as 把……当作

  Look out. 小心。

  look over ①检查②视察

  look sb./sth. up and down 仔细打量……

  look through 浏览

  lose heart 失去信心

  lose one's life/lives 丧命

  lose one's sight 失明

  lose one's temper 发脾气

  lose one's way 迷路

  lose touch with 与……失去联系

  lose weight 减少体重

  make (good) use of (充分地/很好地)利用

  make a (phone) call 打电话

  make a choice 作出选择

  make a decision 下决心

  make a fire 生火

  make a fool of oneself 出丑、丢脸

  make a fresh start 作出一个新的开始

  make fun of sb. 对某人开玩笑

  make a good effort 作出很大的努力

  make a hit 受……欢迎

  make a part in 在……起作用

  make a plan for 为……制订计划

  make a promise 许下诺言

  make a search for 寻找

  make a trip (因公)旅行

  make an effort to do 努力去做

  make arrangements 做安排

  make contributions to sth./doing 为……做出贡献

  make ends meet oneself 维持生计

  make for 朝……冲去

  make no answer 不回答

  make noise 发出噪音

  make one's living (by doing) (以……)谋生

  make one's way 开辟道路

  make out 辨认出

  make progress 取得进步

  make room for sb. 给某人留个地方

  make sb./sth. do/done/adj./n. 使……、让……(如名词做宾补,则仅指职位)

  make sense of sth. 使……有意义、讲得通

  make sth. into sth. 把……变成……

  make sth. out of sth. 用……做……

  make sth. to one's own measure 按某人身材做(衣服等)

  make sth./sp. the base for sth. 把……作为……的基地

  Make sure(certain) that… 确信……(祈使句)

  make up ①编造 ②和好 ③凑足(钱)、使……完整 ④构成、组成 ⑤打扮

  make up one's mind (to do) 下决心(去做)

  make use of sth. 使用、利用……去做某事

  manage to do 设法做成……

  man-made project/satellite 人造工程/卫星

  many a 许多(接可数名词单数,谓语动词用单数)

  many happy returns of the day 每天都快乐

  marry A to B 把A嫁(娶)给B

  may/might have done 可能做完了(某事)

  mean doing 意味着……

  mean that 意味着……(接从句)

  mean to do 打算……

  meet one's needs/demands/requirements 满足某人的需求

  meet the demands/needs/requirements of sb. 满足某人的需求

  meet the standard of 满足……的要求

  meet with ①碰见、偶然遇见 ②符合、迎合、契合

  mention sth. to sb. 向某人提起……

  mention to sb. sth. 向某人提起……

  middle ages 中世纪

  mix A with B 用B与A混合

  mix sb. up sth. 把某人卷入某事中

  more than one 不只一个(接可数名词单数,谓语动词用单数)

  move around 绕着……来回转

  much more interesting 更有趣

  much less expensive 更便宜

  much too 太(接形容词)

  must have done 一定做完了(某事)

  must/might be doing 一定在……(对正在发生的情况推测)

  must/might have been doing 一定是一直在…… (对发生在过去,现在仍在进行的情况进行推测)


上一篇:贵州高职分类考试语文写作技巧 下一篇:2024年贵州高职分类考试备考方法


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