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  1.Everybody needs food, drink and ( ) rest.

  A a

  B an

  C /

  D the

  2.The speaker is describing the Shenzhen spacecraft (飞船) ( ) the listeners ( ) his own words.

  A to; in

  B to; with

  C at;in

  D at;with

  3.What he said made us _______.

  A laugh

  B laughing

  C laughs

  D laughed

  4.You should get up early to avoid ( ) the early bus.

  A missing

  B missed

  C to miss

  D miss

  5.Can you tell me the difference ( ) the two pictures?

  A among

  B in

  C and

  D between

  6.I remember he lives in ( ) south, so we shouldn't be walking ( ) west.

  A /; /

  B / ; the

  C the ; /

  D the; the

  7.Don't smoke in the meeting room, ( )?

  A do you

  B will you

  C can you

  D could you

  8.There ________ a football game between Italy and Germany tomorrow morning.

  A has

  B is going to be

  C will have

  D has been

  9.Everything about the trip was arranged ( ).

  A in advance

  B in future

  C in time

  D in the future

  10.Everyone had to take care of ( ) things.

  A his own

  B own his

  C own

  D his owns

  11.Jenny can't come to answer the phone. She ( ) a bath.

  A washes

  B has

  C is washing

  D is having

  12.---How fine it is today!

  ---Yes. () great fun to have a picnic in ( ) fine weather!

  A What;such

  B What a;such a

  C How;such a

  D How;such

  13.Amy wants to fly to ( ) USA. Please buy ( ) one-way ticket for Amy.

  A the, a

  B the, an

  C /, a

  D /, an

  14.---Can I come and have a look at your new house?

  ---Yes, ( )!

  A with pleasure

  B I like it

  C I quite agree

  D by all means

  15.---May I take your order now?

  ---( ).

  A No, I'm in trouble now

  B Yes, I'd like a dish of chicken

  C Yes, we obey orders

  D No, I don't have a choice of meat

  16.John and I will wait right here________you get back.

  A so that

  B that

  C until

  D for

  17.—May I speak to your manager at four o'clock this afternoon?

  —I'm sorry. He______to a conference long before then.

  A will have gone

  B had gone

  C would go

  D has gone

  18.— Excuse me, where is the Moonlight Hotel?

  — ________, I'm a stranger myself.

  A Sorry, I don't know

  B No, I don't think so

  C It doesn't matter

  D Thank you all the same

  19.You can find some ________ on the Internet.

  A informations

  B information

  C picture

  D story


上一篇:贵州高职分类考试英语重点句型练习 下一篇:2024年贵州高职分类考试英语真题


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