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您现在的位置: 贵州高职分类考试网 >  真题资料 > 英语  > 2025年贵州高职分类考试英语模拟题





  1.We can buy grapes in a ().

  A bakery

  B drugstore

  C bookstore

  D grocery

  2.---Has your mother finished washing yet?

  ---No, she hasn't finished washing ().

  A yet

  B already

  C still

  D even

  3.() the teachers help, I can solve the problem.

  A Thanks for

  B Thanks to

  C Thank

  D Thanking

  4.After he called for help many times, a stranger () and saved him.

  A shows

  B showed up

  C showed

  D shows up

  5.---How about the two pairs of the fashionable sports shoes?

  ---I like the design, but they are () too big () too small.

  A not only…but also

  B both…and

  C neither…nor

  D either…or

  6.You can't solve the problem () this way.

  A by

  B in

  C on

  D to

  7.Many of them heard about that TV play, but only () had time to watch it.

  A few

  B a few

  C little

  D a little

  8.Which of the following is true?

  A Could you tell me what is the matter with him?

  B Do you know where does Elizabeth live?

  C Fave got no idea how to do with it.

  D There are many people read in the library.

  9.The number of the people who () cars () increasing.

  A own;are

  B own;is

  C owns;is

  D owns;are

  10.Which of following words is a kind of vocation? () .

  A secret

  B science

  C secretary

  D secondary

  11.Ask_______ nurse to put the baby to bed.

  A /

  B the one

  C a

  D an

  12.—James, I'm sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning.


  A That's all right

  B Its'a pleasure

  C You are welcome

  D Don't mention it

  13.—Would you like to go to Mount Tai with us?

  — _______

  A Yes, I did

  B No, I didn't

  C Yes, of course

  D Oh, I am fed up with you

  14.My friend invited me ________ the art club, and I accepted it with pleasure.

  A join

  B to join

  C joined

  D joining

  15.— Excuse me, where is the Moonlight Hotel?

  — ________, I'm a stranger myself.

  A Sorry, I don't know

  B No, I don't think so

  C It doesn't matter

  D Thank you all the same

  16.— You look sad, Betty. What is the matter with you?

  — ________.

  A I've got the first prize.

  B I'm sorry to hear that.

  C I can't attend the summer camp.

  D I don't quite agree with you.

  17.________ does your brother _________?

  A How;look like

  B What;look like

  C What;look

  D How;looks

  18.Hurry up, Alice, or I will go ______you.

  A About

  B without

  C Besides

  D through

  19.It is a great ______ for me to have the chance to work with the famous artist.

  A honor

  B praise

  C respect


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